Corporate Laughter Yoga and Wellness Workshops in Manchester and the UK


Are you aware of any of your employees having low morale?

Have you noticed how extreme levels of tiredness or stress affect your team’s productivity?

Is your staff turnover high?


It’s time to boost happiness levels in your team, improve your employees’ engagement and motivation with the unique stress relief activity – the stress-busting laughter workshop.


Happy employees stay in the workplace they love!


Since 2017, Serious Laughter has helped small and large corporate clients like you meet their companies’ duty of care by delivering regular team-building workshops that improve the well-being and mental health of their staff.

We specialise in energising and uplifting workshops for tired and stressed teams. Stress relief activities which work effectively and quickly.

You will be delighted to know that your employees do not need to be happy to attend Laughing Yoga workshops – we turn those frowns upside down! 


Uplifting Laughter Yoga workshops are ideal for your Team Wellbeing Days, early morning management meetings, end of the day team building reward boosts, staff perks, and conference ice-breakers.


Inclusive to all

Wellbeing team building activity with no requirement to be happy to take part, along with being fully accessible to those with mobility issues.

Why choose us?

Serious Laughter offer a bespoke service or choose from the list in the Welcome Pack. We nurture beginners, understand sceptics and share the benefits. You can choose to see the how your team have benefitted from a Corporate Laughter Workshop with wellbeing analysis graphs – see where your investment has worked. We are transparent about pricing – you can see this on page 6 of the Serious Laughter Welcome Pack here 


We come to your chosen venue or workplace to deliver a bespoke Laughter Yoga session depending on your challenges.

Conveniently for you, online corporate wellness sessions in Laughter Yoga and stress relief sessions are available too.

To help you with your decision, here’s an article on the differences between online and in-person Laughter Yoga workshops. Click here to view the article.

No two sessions are the same because we listen to your requirements and what your organisation and employees are struggling with. This is a bespoke service.

Companies who enjoyed our Laughter Yoga workshops


But what is Laughter Yoga you ask?

Laughter Yoga is a special exercise routine with simulated laughter and deep yogic breathing. We use special techniques to create laughter and release physical, mental and emotional stress simultaneously. Everyone in the session experiences a positive energy boost. After 3 to 5 minutes laughter becomes genuine – meaning there’s no need to be happy to laugh to benefit from it. Laughter Yoga sessions, or laughing yoga as it is sometimes know, last between 30 minutes to 60 minutes. To find out more read this article.


The history of Laughter Yoga in the workplace

Laughter Yoga isn’t a new activity – it was founded in 1995 by Dr Madan Kataria whilst writing why Laughter is the Best Medicine for the My Doctor magazine. This wellbeing activity is now offered in over 116 countries.

The popularity of Laughter Yoga (also known as laughing yoga or yoga laughter) is becoming more and more in demand in the corporate world. Why? Because the practice works exceptionally well, quickly and dramatically uplifts and de-stresses participants.

Improve your business with Laughter Yoga


How businesses benefit – our Team Building Laughter Yoga workshops ensure retained happy, confident employees and fewer sickness absences plus brilliant team cohesion with innovative thinking.


What happens during a Serious Laughter workshop?

Plenty of proven stress busting and team building activities for seriously good mental health and productivity benefits! Think about intentional laughter exercises, breathing, clapping and effective stress relief exercises. Read more here.

The good news is that there is no requirement to be happy to take part in our wellbeing workshops. Even staff at risk of burnout or returning from sick leave can participate and benefit. All activities can be done sitting for the members of your team with mobility or sight issues, making it a very accessible, low tech and inclusive team-building experience.

5th International Social Prescribing Conference with the Personal Doctor to HM The King Dr Michael Dixon


Why choose Serious Laughter?

Our nurturing and upbeat way gets everyone involved, and we specialise in converting the sceptics amongst your teams! Delivering team-building activities which are fully inclusive for all abilities and are never boring!


From the unique well-being analysis we offer, there is a major difference in our participants’ energy and stress levels before and after the corporate team-building workshops. The participants report on their wellbeing analysis forms how they are amazed about how positive and lighter they feel.


Stress literally melts in Laughter Yoga wellness workshops: employees are more focussed and energised returning back to work, resulting in 20% more productivity.


Serious Laughter has extensive experience delivering conference icebreakers and stress busting team building workshops within small and large organisations, both virtual and face-to-face across Manchester and the UK.


We stimulate connectivity between staff members in hybrid and remote workplace environments.


The science behind Laughter Yoga

Did you know that laughing and breathing properly are scientifically proven mood and wellbeing boosters? They stimulate the production of feel-good hormones like dopamine and serotonin and suppress cortisol, the stress hormone. These effects also include improved sleep quality, reduced pain and migraines, lower blood pressure, a stronger immune system, 25% more oxygen to the brain, better heart health, lower stress levels and rates of depression.

Studies have shown that more oxygen means better brain function for working and studying.

Laughing with other people increases social connectedness and bonding, it strengthens relationships and confidence which is a recipe for team success. It brings about feelings of security, safety and relaxation. So, who are you going to contact for buzzing and bonded teams?


graph showing blue blocks of stress levels

Who’s behind Serious Laughter?

Sara Kay is the founder of  Serious Laughter. Accredited by the FHT, Sara is the vibrant Laughter Yoga Teacher, Motivator and Museum of Happiness Facilitator with a driving passion to make a difference to lives.

Incredibly, she came into the wellbeing world of Laughter Yoga because of depression. She has great empathy and understanding of those sceptical to unique wellbeing workshops.

Sara delivers conference ice-breakers, talks, wellness workshops and Laughter Yoga Leader Training courses either in-person or online to businesses, mental health organisations, and community groups.

Serious Laughter serves Manchester, Cheshire, North Wales, and the whole UK.

Sara is a bright star in this world!

Laughter is often talked about in the context of helping mental health, and I would love to add that laughter has helped improve my physical health too!

Suzanne Glenn

Serious Laughter - Sara Kay
SBS Laughter Association FHT Accreditation


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