Our Wellbeing Team

is LGBTQIA+ led

Sara Kay – founder of Serious Laughter and Head of the Serious Wellbeing Team


From serious and depressed to joyful and vibrant…

Sara (LGBTQIA+) was clinically depressed in January 2016 and life was a bit grim.  A chance laughter workshop at a wellbeing day changed all that.  She discovered that good hearty laughter had been missing from her life for 20 years!

Since training as an FHT Accredited Laughter Yoga Teacher in 2016, Sara has worked with corporate clients, delivered talks, and been the ice-breaker at conferences.

A competent speaker, Sara has been on the stage of many conferences and festivals, including Fearne Cotton’s Happy Place Festival in Tatton Park, Knutsford, the College of Medicine, and Womanifest.

Additionally, Sara is a Museum of Happiness Facilitator, Mental Health First Aider Laughter Ambassador,  and delivers wellbeing workshops with great empathy, understanding, and confidence.

Sara has been a guest on many radio interviews, podcasts, magazine and TV appearances.

Favourite pastimes – theatre, music, dancing, random acts of kindness.

Life mission: To inspire the human race to be happier, healthier and more authentic.

Services offered

Laughter Yoga and Play sessions/masterclass for team building and to increase motivation, energy, and productivity.

Stress reduction workshop – combat burnout, improve morale and work ethic.
Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR/Yoga Nidra) sessions

Listen to Sara chat below.


Serious Wellbeing Team


Kate Brown

Calm at Work and Calm at Home is founded by Kate Brown, a Holistic Therapist.

Kate creates and holds spaces that allow people to stop and put down their busy-ness, so that they can consciously connect their mind and body to know themselves better.
In this way, Kate helps people to complete their stress-cycles so that they feel calmer, happier and healthier.
Kate’s aim with Calm at Work and Calm at Home is to facilitate a calmer and more connected world.

Kate brings all the learning from her previous roles as a Youth Worker, Peer Mentor, Swimming Teacher, Special Educational Needs Teaching Assistant and Parent Support Advisor, combined with her training and experience in Massage, Reiki, Meditation and Life Coaching, to fulfil this aim.


Services offered

Compassionate Communication Masterclass – A tool to equip everyone with the understanding and knowledge of how to identify their feelings and needs, and make a request to fulfil those needs, so that life is enhanced. 
Stress Reduction Masterclass
Whole-Person wellbeing Masterclass
Seated Acupressure for 11 employees
1:1 coaching (virtual/in person) for relationships, managers, leadership, self-understanding, career development, fulfilment, purpose, and embedding learning.
Management training days – maximum 10 participants (all in leadership roles)


Sam Flynn

Sam Flynn has been training businesses in the use of social media for 12 years.

Her own addiction to her smartphone and research into why this happens along with a background in Business Psychology has led Sam into a career as a digital wellbeing coach.

Sam works with individuals and businesses to manage their relationship with the digital world to promote positive use, rather than causing a negative impact on their lives.


Services offered

Improving Wellbeing By Reducing Phone Use (2 hour workshop)

Creating A Positive Digital Culture (half day)

Julie Silver

Julie Silver, The Vitality Fairy, is a Nutritional Therapist, Stress Management & Health Coach/Consultant, Author & Speaker. With 20 years of experience in the wellness industry helping many individuals and companies/organisations to enjoy a healthier, happier and better quality of life. She loves to empower people to be the best they can be.

Working in a non-judgmental, intuitive and heart-based way including nutrition, stress management, mindfulness and simple natural energy boosting & calming techniques helps you to improve immunity, become more present, find your inner sparkle, glow with health & happiness and get healthier physically, emotionally & mentally.

Books: Food Awakening – Nutrition for NOW,  E-book: Fertility Naturally. Julie currently writes for several well-known publications and has made appearances on TV and radio.


Services offered

Nutrition sessions – A personalised approach to help physical, emotional and mental health awareness to find out what foods/drinks/nutrients may be beneficial to increase energy, reduce stress to prevent adrenal fatigue/burnout, calm the nervous system, improve motivation, sleep, digestion, immunity, focus, concentration, productivity and general health.


Dr Jill McGarry

ill is a Consultant Clinical Psychologist and works with clients to develop and apply a personalised blend of strategies so that they go from exhausted to energised in the most effective way. Techniques to fall asleep faster, sleep better and feel more energised during the day.

Services offered

Sleep Better Workshop
1:1 Sleep Coaching / Therapy
1:1 Sleep assessment and bespoke plan
One Day Team Event Focussing on Sleep
Management Advice to Address Fatigue as a HSE issue


Woman smiling with short dark brown hair and yellow tshirt
Corporate Laughter Yoga session at Selfridges

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Woman smiling with long dark hair black clothing
woman with long blond hair smiling
Woman smiling with long dark hair black clothing
Dr Jill McGarry sleep expert

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Photo of 5 women in Serious Wellbeing Team Mission Statement