This week, in celebration of International Happiness at Work Week, we are delighted to share some valuable insights on the crucial role of happiness in the workplace.

As a Laughter Yoga Coach who has worked with numerous organisations, including Selfridges, Siemens Energy, and British Gas Energy Trust across the UK, I’ve witnessed first-hand the transformative power of laughing yoga and joyful team-building activities in professional settings.

Let me share why fostering workplace happiness isn’t merely a nice-to-have but an essential component of a thriving, productive workplace. Creating a happier organisation through positive team-building activities.


The Significance of Workplace Happiness


You might wonder, ” Is work happiness possible with hybrid teams or such high-pressure deadlines?” We can assure you it most certainly is. Let’s explore why cultivating a positive work environment is crucial for individuals and organisations.


Enhanced Productivity


Consider this scenario: You’re at your desk, shoulders tense, brow furrowed, attempting to plough through an overwhelming workload. Sound familiar? Now, envision tackling those same tasks with a positive mindset and a smile. Which version of yourself do you reckon would be more productive?


Research indicates that contented employees are up to 20% more productive than their discontented counterparts. Indeed, happiness is beneficial for one’s well-being and the bottom line.


Nurturing Creativity and Innovation


When was the last time you had a stroke of genius whilst feeling stressed or miserable? Quite possibly, it might not even happen. That’s because happiness expands our cognitive horizons, enabling us to think more creatively and devise innovative solutions to challenges.


In a positive work environment, individuals feel secure sharing their ideas, regardless of how unconventional they might seem. Those unconventional ideas often lead to groundbreaking innovations in today’s rapidly evolving business world.


Improving Team Dynamics


Have you ever attempted to collaborate with a perpetually morose or negative colleague? It’s about as enjoyable as trying to catch smoke with your bare hands. Conversely, when teams maintain a positive outlook, remarkable things occur. Communication flows more freely, conflicts are resolved more amicably, and individuals are more inclined to support and assist one another.


Stress and Burnout


We’re all well aware of the perils of workplace stress and burnout. They’re silent productivity killers, not to mention detrimental to our health. However, here’s the good news: happiness serves as a shield against stress. When we’re content at work, we’re better equipped to handle pressure and challenges without succumbing to burnout.


Attracting and Retaining Talent


In today’s competitive job market, top talent has many options. And while a competitive salary is undoubtedly appealing, it’s not the sole factor.

Professionals seek workplaces where they’ll be happy and fulfilled. According to Forbes, 87% of employees would consider health and wellness perks when choosing a new employer. Companies known for their positive work environments find attracting and retaining the brightest minds in their respective fields significantly easier.


The Laughter Yoga Approach to Workplace Happiness


Having established the importance of happiness at work, let’s discuss how to cultivate it. As a Laughter Yoga Coach, I’ve observed firsthand how the power of laughter can transform workplaces into more productive, creating buzzing teams which are highly motivated. But what exactly is Laughter Yoga, and how can it contribute to a more positive work environment?


What is Laughter Yoga?


Laughter Yoga is a unique practice that encourages participants to laugh without relying on humour, jokes, or comedy. It combines laughter exercises with yogic breathing (Pranayama), which increases oxygen flow to the body and brain, promoting a sense of vitality and well-being.


The fundamental principle is straightforward: your body cannot differentiate between genuine and simulated laughter. You reap the same physiological and psychological benefits either way. So, even if you begin with simulated laughter, it often evolves into genuine, contagious laughter.


How Laughter Yoga Enhances Workplace Happiness


Immediate Mood Booster

Just a few minutes of laughter can dramatically shift the atmosphere in a room. It’s akin to pressing a reset button on stress and negativity and an escapism away from the pressures of the outside world while the session is in progress.


Team Bonding

There’s something about shared laughter that dismantles barriers and fosters connections. It’s challenging to harbour ill feelings towards someone when you’re both chuckling heartily.


Stress Relief

Laughter triggers the release of endorphins, your body’s natural feel-good chemicals. It’s comparable to a mini-workout for your stress response system.


Improved Focus

People often report feeling more alert and focused after a good laugh.


Enhanced Creativity

Laughter puts us in a more playful state of mind, conducive to brainstorming and problem-solving.


Implementing Happiness Strategies in Your Workplace

You might wonder, “This all sounds brilliant, but how do I start implementing happiness techniques in my workplace?” Fear not, we have some starter exercises below that you can begin implementing straight away.


Commence the Day with a Smile

Consider starting each workday with one laughter exercise – take a look at our Serious Laughter YouTube channel for ideas. You could make a laughter milkshake before a breakfast meeting. Pour the liquid between your cupped hands and drink it with a laugh – even just 5 minutes can set a positive tone for the entire day. This can be done in person for office-based teams, or via video call for remote colleagues.


Laughter Breaks

Just as we have tea breaks, why not introduce laughter breaks? When energy levels dip in the afternoon, a quick burst of laughter can be more invigorating than another cuppa. Pretend to drink a hot cuppa and then say ho ho ho while fanning your open mouth.



Celebrate achievements by doing flat palm hand claps and say “Very good, very good yey!”.


Gratitude Practice

Encourage team members to share one thing they’re grateful for at the start of meetings. Gratitude and happiness are closely linked, and this practice helps shift focus to the positive aspects of work.


Playful Workspace

Inject some fun into your physical (or virtual) workspace. This could be through colourful decorations, amusing posters, or even a dedicated “play area” with games or puzzles for quick mental breaks.


Random Acts of Kindness

Encourage team members to perform random acts of kindness for one another. It could be as simple as bringing someone a cup of tea or leaving an encouraging note on their desk. Kindness is contagious and breeds happiness.


Laughter Yoga Workshops

Consider inviting a Laughter Yoga practitioner (such as myself) to conduct regular workshops. These sessions can provide tools and techniques that employees can use daily to boost their happiness.


Overcoming Obstacles to Workplace Happiness

Implementing these strategies may not always be straightforward. You might encounter some resistance or challenges along the way. Let’s address some common obstacles and how to overcome them.


“We’re far too busy for this”


In today’s fast-paced work environment, it can feel as though there’s no time for “extras” like focusing on happiness. However, remember that happy employees create a happier workplace where they thrive. The time invested in cultivating happiness will yield increased efficiency and output returns.



Start small. Even just 5 minutes a day can make a difference. As you begin to see results, you can gradually increase the time and frequency of happiness-boosting activities.


“Our organisational culture isn’t particularly receptive to this sort of thing”


Changing company culture can be challenging, especially if your organisation has a more traditional or serious atmosphere.



Lead by example. Begin with your team or department. As others observe the positive results, they become curious and want to participate. Also, these initiatives should be framed in terms of their business benefits – increased productivity, creativity, and employee retention are compelling arguments.


“People might perceive it as frivolous or unprofessional.”

There might be concerns that focusing on happiness, especially through activities like Laughter Yoga, could be seen as frivolous or unprofessional.



Educate people on the science behind happiness at work. Share studies and data that demonstrate the tangible benefits. Also, ensure that happiness initiatives are balanced with serious work – it’s about creating a positive atmosphere, not turning the office into a comedy club.


“We have remote/distributed teams.”


With more people working remotely, it can be challenging to implement happiness strategies across distributed teams.



Leverage technology! Virtual laughter sessions, online team-building games, and digital gratitude boards can all help foster happiness in remote teams. The key is to be intentional about creating opportunities for connection and positivity.


Measuring the Impact of Workplace Happiness


As with any initiative, measuring the impact of your happiness efforts is essential. Here are some ways you can track the effectiveness of your happiness strategies:


Employee Surveys

Regular surveys can help gauge changes in employee satisfaction and engagement levels.


Productivity Metrics

Track productivity before and after implementing happiness initiatives.


Retention Rates

Happy employees are more likely to stay. Monitor your employee turnover rates.



Happy, engaged employees tend to take fewer sick days. Monitor absenteeism rates.


Customer Satisfaction

Happy employees often lead to happy customers—track customer satisfaction scores.


Innovation Metrics

Monitor the number and quality of new ideas generated by teams.


Remember, some benefits of increased happiness might not be immediately quantifiable but will become evident in your organisation’s overall atmosphere and success over time.


The Ripple Effect of Workplace Happiness


It’s worth noting that fostering happiness at work has effects that extend far beyond the office walls. When people are happier at work:


– They bring that positivity home, improving their relationships.

– They’re more likely to engage in their communities, volunteering and contributing to social causes.

– They tend to be healthier, potentially reducing healthcare costs for individuals and organisations.

– They serve as ambassadors for your company, attracting more top talent and potentially even new customers.


By creating a happier workplace, you’re improving your organisation and contributing to a more positive world.


Embark on Your Journey to a Happier Workplace Today


In summary, we’ve explored the importance of happiness at work, how Laughter Yoga can contribute to that happiness, and practical strategies for implementing a culture of joy in your organisation.


Remember, the journey to a happier workplace is a journey. It won’t happen overnight, and there may be some challenges. However, the destination is worth it. A workplace filled with laughter, positivity, and genuine human connection. Being part of a happy and buzzing team is not just more enjoyable – it’s more successful in every meaningful way.


Are you prepared to take the first step? Perhaps it’s as simple as starting your next team meeting a funny story or having a team game. Or maybe you’re ready to consider booking a Laughter Yoga workshop for your entire organisation. Whatever you choose, know that you’re embarking on a path that will not only transform your workplace but could change lives.


Here’s to happier workplaces, more fulfilled employees, and organisations that thrive in all the ways that truly matter.

Now, who’s ready for a good laugh?



What workshops does Serious Laughter offer?

Download our welcome pack of Serious Laughter services to learn more about our Team-Building Laughter Yoga sessions and how they can benefit your team.

Alternatively, you can use our contact form to ask questions or submit an inquiry about Team-Building Laughter sessions.

Discover what happens in a Laughter Yoga session here

How much does a Laughter Yoga workshop cost? Find out here

Let’s work together to create a more connected, engaged, and happier workplace!