Starting a new job can be an overwhelming experience, filled with insecurity, uncertainty, and immense pressure to prove oneself.

How to Help Your Interns and Apprentices at the Induction Stage

During the summer months, interns and apprentices navigate their first natural step into the professional world. As a manager, you play a vital role in shaping the transition and setting them up for success from day one.

Your induction programme will cover many aspects, including the business’s objectives and values, meeting key contacts in the office, and working practices.

Technical training and skills development are crucial, but focusing on building confidence, creating open communication, promoting corporate wellness, and nurturing emotional intelligence is just as important.

Providing these skills in a fun and unique way through Laughter Yoga sessions during the induction process empowers interns and apprentices to ask questions confidently, manage stress, and ultimately unlock their full potential.

Open Communication Skills

Imposter syndrome and fear of judgment are some hurdles interns and apprentices often face.

Laughter Yoga is a powerful tool for breaking through these inhibitions. When positive emotions occur during social interaction, new interns and apprentices feel safe opening up and bonding with team members beyond small talk.

I have witnessed many nervous young adults transform into confident communicators after just one 30-minute Laughter Yoga session.


How can you help your interns and apprentices at the induction stage with confidence? Eye contact is necessary for confidence-building. When we see others laughing joyfully, our brains automatically mimic the feeling of happiness and confidence. This squashes insecurity and imposter syndrome before it multiplies.

Emotional Intelligence

Higher levels of emotional intelligence are an advantage in today’s workplace.

Why is this the case?

Using social skills, empathy, and self-regulation skills, navigating conflict with a positive mindset and understanding creates a happier and thriving work environment where employees support each other.

Team Managers and People Officers know the value of soft skills. Laughter Yoga uses non-talking, non-analytical, nonjudgmental exercises to boost emotional intelligence.

Benefits to Your Induction Process

The benefits of incorporating Laughter Yoga into your induction process go far beyond welcoming new hires – it sets the entire team up for enhanced emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, stress resilience, and creativity. By prioritising a positive workplace culture socially from day one, you’ll attract passionate people committed to your mission.

With the next intake of interns and apprentices just around the corner, we encourage you to consider adding fun activities to keep energy and motivation during the induction process.

Why Use Laughter Yoga in Your Induction Process?

Laughter Yoga’s proven benefits align perfectly with creating a positive induction experience that sets your recruits up for success and builds trust and authentic connection right from the start. It creates a positive workplace culture and provides a proven corporate wellness activity to combat stress and burnout.

Laughter Yoga is ideal for making induction fun and engaging while providing soft skill benefits to your thriving workplace. It is also a superb addition to your corporate wellness programme.


How can you Help Your Interns and Apprentices at the induction stage? They deserve an activity that bonds them to the current team.

Providing your recruits with well-being skills, including stress relief, is a proactive approach to managing good mental health and resilience in the years ahead.


To enquire about booking your 30-minute or 60-minute Laughter Yoga session for your induction process, please email your venue postcode, number of participants (if known), and preferred date to

You may wish to download a Welcome Pack here for more information on the types of workshops we offer.

Discover what happens in a Laughter Yoga session here

How much does a Laughter Yoga workshop cost? Find out here

Don’t leave laughter to chance because there are seriously amazing soft skill benefits to your workplace!